Unusual signs and other things
Found in Bundaberg - the sign says it all.
They call this the Big Mango - the worst looking mango we ever seen! Found on a drive south of Bowen.
Warning Alligators - sign at the entrance to the marina jetty at Yorkeys Knob near Cairns.
This must be the only full dam in Australia! Found at Tinnaroo up in the mountains near Cairns.
And the water spraying from below the dam was spectacular.
This sign warns yachts to watch overhead but there are no wires that we could see, and anyway the sign was hidden behind the trees!
Koala sign on Magnetic Island - Liz used to wave back to these koalas until our son pointed out that some koalas have their finger up!
Is this where the old Mokes come to die? The Mokes at Moke Magnetic hire cars on Magnetic Island (07) 4778 5377 - a great way to get around the island.
These unusual chairs were sighted at the Townsville Mall.